
Under New Managment

The Solar systems and Planets Association Corpus for Exploring the galaxy and arounds is honored to present itself as the new corporation in charge of finding and establishing contact with intelligent species within the entire galaxy and pointing to find out the way to open spaces for cooperation to begin colonies in different planets. We also announce that we are developing the process of recruitment to find representatives of more planets and races to ensure the commerce and life missions we are going to develop all around the galaxy. We hope you can be part of us and honor your family and your civilization "The humans on Earth"

Extra - Mission [BONUS]

Hi explorers... You can describe your character even create an avatar by using this explanation: [Describing People | Four Videos in One | English Speaking Practice | ESL...] ---- Comment to earn 5 XP ----

4th Mission

You have found the debris of an ancient civilization; it looks like they used a kind of currency... please watch the video and create a new currency. Answer the next questions; You will present your currency during the next class answering the next questions: - What is the name of your currency? - How much is it? - Where is it going to be used? - Who is going to use it? Please present the currency to earn 100XP (-1 per correction)

3rd Mission

Finding the house of the riddle you opened the door of an ancient civilization in Andromeda. It looks like here there were some people living... Let's reseach about them...

2nd Mission

Joining the virtual course you have gotten 50 XP! Congratulations Warriors. this is a part of the adventure... SOme other missions are comming so soon...

Preliminary test

//_\\  6-8-3018 __ To the troop: __ The premiere commanding requires you to show how ready you are for the mission to accomplish in Andromeda? Please, click in the link and answer some questions. You will earn 50XP for answering. https://goo.gl/forms/hcwpPPuIW2vmyl4E2 __ End of the transmission //_\\

1st Mission

//_\\  6-8-3018 __ To the troop: __ The premiere commanding congratulates to the troop of valiant astronauts who have recognized each other giving descriptions. Please watch out the page: The troop, and choose your troop number to check the position list. __ End of the transmission //_\\